Constitution of the UNFR
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United Nations Fellowship of Rotarians

Founded April 24th 2002

Rotary International (RI) has consultative status with the United Nations. This highest-ranking status of RI with the UN gives RI the possibility to proactively participate in improving what the UN does for humankind!

In addition to all Rotarians contributing through Polio Plus, the Peace and Conflict Resolution Scholarships, etc., the United Nations constantly offers to Rotary Internatioal unique opportunities to contribute with its expertise and at practically no cost for RI to improve the UN's peacebuilding action for humankind.

The United Nations Fellowship of Rotarians unites all Rotarians who wish to join in construtively discuss these matters and offer to Rotary International the results of its consultations, as well as its highest quality manpower and expertise.

It provides opportunities for the furtherance of acquaintance and fellowship among Rotarians, with no financial, commercial, or partisan political goals expressed or implied. As a forum for members through which members can interact, it has its newsletter, email discussion and website.

It shall always respond to inquiries from members, potential members and the RI Secretariat.

As of July 2nd 2002, there are 34 members from half as many countries; and several District Governors supporting UNFR. 

We welcome you to join UNFR!

To become a founding member, Please e-mail Marco Kappenberger at:

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